
Drooling on the Pillow

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Grey Lady Stirs 

One must give credit when it is due and the picture the New York Times ran above the fold on the first page of the elderly Iraqi man weeping as he voted in Michigan was remarkably moving.

Tim Blair links to some rough stuff at the polls in Australia when Wahabis showed up to protest the vote and began photographing voters leaving the polling place.

Tomorrow really is a huge day and not just for Iraqis. The response of our enemies is all we need to know about the importance. It is absolutely critical for the enemies of freedom, from bin Laden to Al Zarqawi, that this election fail.

The only prayer I have is that the Iraqis are given the chance to make their voices heard. Whatever they choose it it will be the beginning of the end for Islamofascism.

Isn't this really easy? Aren't we for democracy? Is there any way in which this election can be a bad thing?

I dunno. Ask Ted.
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