
Drooling on the Pillow

Friday, January 28, 2005


Sluggo dips into Best of the Web's vast storehouse of blogoliciousness for the second straight day for Mr. Taranto's lead post which compares and contrasts the two major political families of the last fifty years.

Ted Kennedy has been a joke for so long that it's easy to forget what a disgusting wind-bag he is when he chooses to be.

He took that option yesterday in an address to the Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies:

The war in Iraq has become a war against the American
occupation. . . . The U.S. military presence has become
part of the problem, not part of the solution. . . . The first
step is to confront our own mistakes. . . . No matter how
many times the Administration denies it, there is no
question they misled the nation and led us into a quagmire
in Iraq. . . . As in Vietnam, truth was the first casualty of
this war. . . . As a result of our actions in Iraq, our respect
and credibility around the world have reached all-time
lows . . . . Never in our history has there been a more
powerful, more painful example of the saying that those
who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. . . .
The nations in the Middle East are independent, except for
Iraq, which began the 20th century under Ottoman
occupation and is now beginning the 21st century under
American occupation.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi could not state the case more clearly. The evolution of Iraq towards democracy threatens both of these sclerotic pustules and the approaching elections must be making them both a little nervous.

Hmm. I'm aware I've made several appeals recently for more civility in Red/Blue relations. I believe I'm going to allow myself this one, though, and promise not to call the senior senator from Massachusetts a sclerotic pustule again. Unless he makes me.

UPDATE: Power Line, among other sites is giving Kennedy a well deserved thrashing.

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