
Drooling on the Pillow

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Donkey That Fell for a Week 

I completely forgot to drop that donkey from last week. I was asked to be discrete, even after the fact so this is it. The president of a South American country (not Peruador or Argentinador) was in my tiny little office a week ago Monday evening. Not an affair of state, just a business deal. About a half dozen Secret Service agents, a few Afganador Secret Service Agents and a posse of about twenty Kamchakador ministerial personages showed up. It all went very well, apparently, but I was surprised that I had no idea which one was the President. No one really stuck out and, not being a Spanish speaker (okay, so it wasn't Brazilador), I was kind of running behind. About the most interesting thing that happened was when a building engineer came in and said that they were shutting down the bathrooms on our floor. I reported this to the one SS agent I kind of knew and I could see his mind working this over. Alabamador President Has To Go in Ice Bucket. He said 'Uh-huh' and walked away and about four seconds later I saw the engineer back with a real first-day-on-the-job-waiter kind of look on his face and it turns out it wasn't absolutely necessary. So it all worked out and the whole thing took about an hour and a half. Please return to your lives.
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