
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, January 09, 2006


I'm a big fan of Leon Russell. In fact, he's been sheparding me through the last few weeks. Since I have very little to contribute to the conversation, I'm just going to post a short Leon Russell songbook.

First up, with a nod to my friend Gregor (please consider contributing to his Ukulele Fund), is The Queen of the Roller Derby.

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If The Shoe Fits manages to be witty while whining about celebrity.

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Carney is an odd and beautiful album and My Cricket is an odd tune from it.

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The next three songs are by Russell's good friend, Hank Wilson.

In The Pines.

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Love's Gonna Live Here.

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And Footprints In The Snow.

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I like Leon Russell because he's all over the place, but always, unmistakeably himself. He's back with the final cut, the funkadelic Strange Power of Love.

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That oughta hold you for awhile.
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