
Drooling on the Pillow

Friday, August 12, 2005

Roosevelt Stadium 

I don't live in Union City and I don't follow the news over there too closely, so I was a little shocked on the way home today to see Roosevelt Stadium half knocked down.

It was a very cool looking structure on Kennedy Boulevard a few blocks south of 495. It was built in 1937 by the WPA. You don't see many Art Deco baseball fields and by tomorrow you probably won't see any.

It's being torn down to so that The New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation can build a school with a roof-top atheletic complex. This article at Preservation Online says that the new school will cost $366 million which has got to be wrong. This article in the Union City Reporter says $166 million which still seems an awful lot for a high school.
The school building will feature health screening and childcare centers;
recreational facilities including a 21,000 square foot gymnasium; a
performing arts auditorium that seats about 1,000; a 200-space parking
garage; and a 12,000 square foot media center.
Child care center?

A few blocks south of this site the NJSCC has a construction site for an early learning center that has been an empty lot and chain link fence for probably a year.

Roberto, at DynamoBuzz, squawked about this a month ago. I didn't take much notice of it until they knocked down one of my favorite buildings in the area.
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