
Drooling on the Pillow

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

What I Like About Joe 

Steve Kornacki at PoliticsNJ presents us with the ultimate nightmare scenario: Joe Piscopo for Governor!

Before you dismiss the notion out of hand, consider that the guy behind this bizarre notion is the guy that put Jesse Ventura in office. Okay, now you can dismiss the notion out of hand.

This is from Mr. Piscopo's web site, referencing the last time this idea came up in the wake of McGreevey's resignation.
August 20, 2004: Joe Piscopo, New Jersey governor?
(CNN) -- He played a number of notables -- David Letterman,
Frank Sinatra -- on "Saturday Night Live" in the 1980s, but
Joe Piscopo is now thinking of a completely different kind of role:
governor. The actor and comedian has been asked by some
people to consider a run in his home state, New Jersey.
CNN "American Morning" anchor Bill Hemmer talked
to Piscopo about the possibilities.

BILL HEMMER, CNN ANCHOR: He considers himself
a lifelong Democrat, self-described Jersey guy, but is
comedian Joe Piscopo serious about trying to replace
Jim McGreevey as governor in that state? He often paid
homage to the Garden State while on "Saturday Night
Live" back in the 1980s. And Jersey Joe our guest today
not in New Jersey, but in Orlando, Florida, to talk about
the "Draft Piscopo" movement. And, Joe, good morning
to you, and thanks for your time. Is this serious, by the way?

I had some serious people talk to me, Bill. We're very
concerned about the state, and the -- you know, I wrote
the jokes 20 years ago, but now it's almost not funny the
way Jersey's getting hit. I'm reading The Wall Street
Journal and ... these national publications, USA Today,
saying the problems we have in Jersey. So the people
that came to me and asked me to run, they're serious.

HEMMER: Joe, what can you tell us about the people
that approached you? Who are they? How strong backing
do they have?

PISCOPO: You know what, [they're] young businessmen,
and I talked to them yesterday. It was so funny, I said,
come on, guys, you got to let everybody know who you
are. And they say, like, no, we stay in the background,
Joe, you know, we believe in you, and we're friends
enough where I'm not beholden to anybody. So they're
like young, very concerned New Jersey citizens.
Because, see, in Jersey, we are so proud of the state. I've
got to tell you, not just because the great Bruce Springsteen
is from there, and Frank Sinatra, and Bruce Willis, and
Jack Nicholson, and Danny DeVito, and Shaquille O'Neal
born in Newark. I mean, we have so much to offer in this
state, that as we're citizens and we go through our
everyday lives back in Jersey, and then we see this ...
stuff that's happening now. These guys [who] came to me,
they really want to make a change.

Mr. Kornacki's article is mostly about Doug Friedline, the man floating the idea, who sounds like an interesting character.

It's not hard to imagine the demographic that would vote for him. It's just hard to imagine them putting down their canolis, getting off the couch and doing it.
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