
Drooling on the Pillow

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Here's Your Hat, What's Your Hurry? 

I've read some fairly sick-making encomniums following Dan Rather out the door. Just in the interest of fairness and balance, Media Research has a list of Ratherisms. Not the corn-pone ones, just a list of knuckleheaded and biased remarks he's made through the years.

Here's my favorite:

“I read the book [My Life by Bill Clinton] completely.
and I think it compares very favorably with Ulysses S.
Grant’s gold standard of presidential autobiographies.”
— Dan Rather on CNN’s Larry King Live, June 18, 2004

True, Grant was a president and he did write a great autobiography. But of course it contained not a word concerning Grant's tumultuous time in office. It ends with Appomattox and Grant died within days of finishing it. Not only was it great literature it was a remarkable act of courage. I think it's stretching it a bit, though, to call it a presidential autobiography.

But if Mr. Rather did indeed read every page of My Life, I've said my last word on the subject. He's suffered enough.
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