
Drooling on the Pillow

Friday, February 11, 2005

More of That Fresh Air They Were Talking About 

I'd like to add to the buzz this morning concerning Acting-like-a-Governor Codey's brother Robert, a long time state prosecutor who recently received the kind of deal you really have to have a governor in the family to get. He was seconded to the Union County prosecutor's office to help in their organized crime unit. This seemingly lateral move bumped his pay to $50,000 above the average for his job title and $20,000 above his direct supervisor. It also allowed Mr. Codey (who is 55 years old) to retire at any time his little heart desires with an annual pension of just under $100,000 or $36,000 above what he would have gotten a year ago.

You start to understand why they need to start taxing our 401(k) contributions.

I first read about this at Shabe's Jersey Side who links to the Star-Ledger article. Patrick's Jerseystyle! and SmadaNek also have their say. Doubtless Roberto at DynamoBuzz will be weighing in.
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