
Drooling on the Pillow

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Killing the Message 

Joel Mowbray has a post over at Townhall on the murdered Armanious family and Islamist activity in Hudson County.

His take is that much of the MSM coverage of the story is focused on the blowback to the Muslim community rather than the suffering of the family and the trials of the Coptic community.

Mowbray doesn't get into Omar Abdul Rahman, the Blind Sheik, in up to his eyeball in the 1993 World Trade bombing. His mosque was on Kennedy Boulevard right off Journal Square and the house where they assembled the bomb was directly behind where I was living at the time. That's right, they put it together on the next street over in a building just over the fence from ours, fifty feet away.

I still have no opinion about who committed the heinous murder of the Armanious family. I don't have too much sympathy with the 'nasty looks' that Muslims are supposedly getting, though. They're not getting them from me or anyone I know, I'm very confident of that. And I feel confident that in the end it will amount to about as much as did the dire predictions of armies of thuggish crypto-fascist born-agains putting the beat down on innocent, peaceful Muslims after 9/11. That is, it will amount to nothing.

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