
Drooling on the Pillow

Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Hole In The Story 

For me, the term 'hero of journalism' can be applied to very few. Hitchens, Steyn and who else? Fallaci, maybe. There are many good writers with fine minds and courage to spare. But name some more who are always challanging, always perceptive, who can be just as funny, just as provocative, just as insightful, just as insulting as they intend to be every time they write. Who, everytime they take out their hammer, hit the nail right on the head. And who exhibit absolutely no fear. Of anyone.

The two year anniversary of the death of one is coming up in about a month. I really miss Michael Kelly's writing, partly because I was just at the point of immersing myself in his point of view when he died as an journalist embedded with the Third Infantry Division on April 4, 2003 in a Humvee accident south of Baghdad.

He was respected by everyone closer to sea level than the Democratic Underground and even people who never agreed with him wanted to know his take on events.

There are so many interesting things going on right now. I'd love to know what he thought about them.
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