
Drooling on the Pillow

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Go, Bret 

Yesterday I received the first mailing I've gotten from the Schundler campaign. Its a slick and expensive looking brochure. The outside doesn't look like campaign literature, more like something from the History Book Club and the copy is "There's good news for those who missed the Boston Tea Party. You now have a second chance to make history . . ." His name is very tiny under the address. It looks to me like it's asking to get tossed. But then the only thing I ever ran for was class vice president in the fifth grade and I got hammered by Dorcus Evans.

The inside is much better and states his message very clearly:

Pass a constitutional amendment to slow the growth of
state government and send more of your tax money
back to local public schools and municipal government
to improve services and lower your property taxes.

Pass a second consitutional amendment giving
taxpayers effective new powers to control school and
local spending.

Cut state spending for non-property tax relief
purposes to close the state deficit.

These are essentially the points he's been making in much more detail for the past year or so with his organization Empower The People.
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