
Drooling on the Pillow

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Forgive Me, Jim 

But perhaps I'm not Usual Suspects material. It's not so bad that I'll probably be watching the Oscars tonight. No, I have to go the extra mile into 'Mo-Land. Spent most of an hour this afternoon watching the E! channel prolegomena to the Oscars. Segment after segment with the Bling Provider to the Stars, the Sunglasses Provider to the Stars, the Scent Provider, the Pretend You're a $2 Whore in a New Orleans Cat House Underwear Provider, the Shoe Provider, Pilates, Kaballah, Tounge Studs, Tattoos, Corn Rows. Everyone but the Blow Provider to the Stars. Essentially they have five hours on the back story of the product placement. Why did I do it? What's wrong with me? Somebody help me.
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