
Drooling on the Pillow

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Dear Tina on Manners 

I usually enjoy Tina Brown's column in the New York Sun. While she often prowls the same fetid swamps as Modo she does it in a more adult mannor. And she can write.

Today, though, in the midst of an otherwise interesting piece musing on the tone-deafness of powerful men (Larry Summers, Michael Eisner, Howell Raines) she drops this in the punchbowl:
There were so many blunders of tone in the first
Bush term that Condi Rice in her Jackie O pearls
was required to go and suck up to wounded European
leaders in advance of the presidential visit.

Okay, European Leaders, how many felt sucked-up to? Tony, you don't count. Nobody else? How many felt softly bruised about the head and shoulders? You can put your hands down now.

As for 'blunders of tone' I think we are talking about Michael Kinsley's definition of 'gaffe.' An inconvenient truth spoken out loud.
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