
Drooling on the Pillow

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Cat That Didn't Meow 

Let's see, historic election in Iraq that went far better than anyone expected, prompting some on the sinister side of the middle to contemplate rethinking their assumptions. State of the Union speech with challanges to Iran and Egypt and and setting forth a plan to grasp the third rail of American politics with both hands.

Mo-D'oh thinks "What should I write about today? I know! Male nipples!"

Today's column is a lame shot at creationists and reads like it's been sitting in her bottom drawer for a few months waiting for the day when she'd really rather not say anything at all. She does get around to Social Security, but only as part of W's plan to excise the 20th Century. She doesn't exactly engage the issue. On the elections, silence.

I imagine her last night in front of the TV with DVDs of "Sex and the City" scattered around her, a very tall Cosmopolitan in her hands and a pouty, but brave look on her face.

Don't worry, Mo. Something will come to you.
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