
Drooling on the Pillow

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Blast From The Past 

Did another political phone survey tonight. I guess if you're willing to finish these you get on some list because they call a couple times a week. Just be thankful the Sluggoterium is not a Nielson household or you might have to watch what I watch.

Years ago I used to do calls for Gallup. That doesn't make me an expert, especially since the callers never knew who comissioned the surveys, but you knew anyway. Once you read all the questions it's pretty easy to see who would be interested in the answers.

The one tonight almost had to be on behalf of Tom Kean running for governor. Could be him, could be someone interested in pushing him out there.

Quite liberal socially, quite conservative fiscally. By reputation anyway. If anyone knows the budget facts from his term please enlighten me (NJ). Very strong for social security reform and (I think I read) tort reform. Also, a very trusted name. If anyone could make headway on the structural corruption in Trenton he could.

I could be sold. What think you?
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