
Drooling on the Pillow

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Thanks to My Supporters, All None of You 

Great news out of the Quinnipiac Poll. Sluggo is now tied (on the politicsnj.com page, at least today) with Steve Lonegan, Todd Caliguire and Bob Schroeder for the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey. The four of us are locked up at that magic 'zero' mark. And I didn't even send a Christmas card to every Republican in the state! (Here's the information on the Quinnipiac site, if you care to wade through it.) So I may be able to name the new senator. I can think of a few people who should start being nicer to me.

UPDATE: The objection has been noted that if I beat Corzine there will be no Senate seat to fill. Sluggo is way ahead of you. The likelihood of anybody losing to Sluggo for anything and then showing their face ever again is very low. I'm also taking suggestions for Homeland Security director.
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