
Drooling on the Pillow

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

"It's 420!...lets spark this thing up!" 

Barista of Bloomfield Avenue provides a link to an ad in Craig's List (since removed) advertising for someone to deliver marijuana in the Montclair/Clifton area. The ad is coded '420 source' and The Barista thoughtfully links to the Urban Dictionary where a number of stoners discuss the meaning and origin of the term '420' in between handfuls of Cheetos. My favorite:
The time of day when stoners all over the world like to
get high. 4:20 AM, PM or April 20th are the times to get
high, but the term 420 can also be used as an expression
of something that has to do with getting high. (sorry if this
makes no sense...i'm totally baked.)

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