
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, January 17, 2005

Horror in the Heights 

That horrible, gruesome murder of a family of four happened in my neighborhood. I'm not sure which block they lived on, but it's probably six or eight blocks from us. It's got the neighborhood pretty shook up. I don't want to flog this before more facts are known, but the speculation from the police is that the father was a strong witness for his faith and this was someone's way of silencing him. They were Coptic Christians who emigrated from Egypt to escape persecution. There's a large Coptic church on Bergen Avenue not too far from us. Someone's god apparently informed him that he would be pleased if he slit the throats of a mother, father and two daughters, ages 8 and 16. By all accounts, a loving, friendly, hard working family. There are reports of an attempt to carve out a Coptic cross from the arm of the 16 year old girl.

How pleased this person's god must be.

UPDATE: In fact, the police are saying that the wounds on the older girl's arm appear to be defensive. Nothing definitive yet, though.
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