
Drooling on the Pillow

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Via Power Line:
It's often been observed that one reason why voter fraud is
widespread is that it is hardly ever prosecuted. Jim Hoft,
who has a site called Gateway Pundit, wrote to alert us
to what could be a very important story, involving a Democratic
office-holder in East St. Louis, Illinois, who allegedly tried to
quash a voter fraud investigation by having a witness murdered:

Kelvin Ellis, a top administrator at East St. Louis City Hall, was
indicted yesterday for plotting to kill a witness in the year long
East St. Louis, Illinois federal vote fraud investigation.

Ellis, 55, who once served a prison term after abusing a city post,
is now the director of regulatory affairs, which puts him in charge
of housing inspections. He also is a precinct committeeman with
close ties to the community's Democratic Party leaders.

"Welcome back Kelvin. Let's find something for you where there's no possibility whatsoever for funny business. How about housing inspection?"
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