
Drooling on the Pillow

Thursday, January 13, 2005

City Journal 

I've long been an admirer of City Journal the urban policy magazine that Peggy Noonan calls the "best magazine in America." The latest issue is terrific; stuffed, packed, groaning under the weight of smart, lively right-of-center wonkery. You get Brian Anderson's On Campus, Conservatives Talk Back, Victor David Hanson on Postmodern War, Peter Huber and Mark P. Mills on (I'm getting that 'funny feeling'') Why the U.S. Needs More Nuclear Power, Dr. Dyspeptic himself, Theodore Dalrymple on The Specters Haunting Dresden, and, best of all, Kay S. Hymowitz on Capitalists on Steroids, an article that enables Sluggo's 'relationship' with the television show "The Apprentice."
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