
Drooling on the Pillow

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Center Not Holding 

Dr. Rice was just confirmed by the Senate 85-13. John Kerry was a 'no'.

Power Line notes the vote in the Judiciary Committee for Albert Gonzalez was a straight party line vote 10-8 and concludes the 'crazies' (Kennedy and Boxer) are apparently speaking for the party. Obviously good news for Republicans as the 'loyal opposition' continues to cascade over the cliff. Bad for the country.

New Jersey needs a competitive Republican Party to dig its way out of generations of institutional corruption. This may not be the year.

The country needs a rational Democratic Party to prepare for the challenges of the future. Opposition, even fierce opposition is welcome. A disassociation with reality will run us off the road.

The old joke was that in their heart of hearts Republicans thought Democrats were stupid. There was no other explanation for their beliefs. In their heart of hearts Democrats thought Republicans were evil. How else could they believe the things they believe? Now both sides seem to believe the others are stupid and evil. What will it take to start talking like adults?
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