
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, January 24, 2005

Big Sister Comes A-Calling 

I had an odd call at work today. An actual, live person announced (this is an incoming call, remember) that 'this call may be monitored for quality assurance.' I was fascinated. First, I thought it was a joke. I have a few friends in comedy and VO who never just call without a gag. Then I thought it was a recording, just a very good one and I waited for the beep.

'. . . Hello?' she said.

'Yeah, hello.' I said. 'You're recording this call?'

'I don't know.'


'I mean they may be recording this call, but we never know when they are.'

I knew it was a wrong number the second she started and I was tempted to do a number, but I was on the office line.

I guess there's nothing wrong with it if they announce it, but there's nothing really right about it either.
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