
Drooling on the Pillow

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Armanious Family 

According to the Star Ledger the police are not exactly backing away from the theory that the Armanious family was slaughtered by radical Muslims intent on silencing the Coptic Christian father, but they do seem to be downplaying it. I suppose it's possible that a thief found it necessary to slit the 8 year old girl's throat, but, not likely. Like the police I hope it's not true. I do have a few Muslim friends in the neighborhood and it's going to be uncomfortable for them one way or the other. More importantly, we just don't need these kind of religious and ethnic dramas played out on our streets. They are what people on both sides came here to avoid. I'm praying that solid evidence turns up quickly before things get nasty.

Another thing we could use is a clear, unambiguous statement from Muslim leaders that their people must live in peace with the Copts in this country. If it turns out to be what everyone seems quite sure it is, a little heartfelt grief and open, public shame would be in order, as well.
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