
Drooling on the Pillow

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Anything Goes 

Via Tim Blair

I've been reading Mark Steyn for years, originally as the movie and theatre guy at the London Spectator. He's the best. He is always clever, funny and insightful and is (if you'll pardon the allusion) a tsunami of content providing.

I know it has nothing to do with David Gest, but here is Mr. Steyn on the ankle biting U.S. efforts have received in South Asia:

. . . you would think an unprecedented tsunami in a region
that has never been a U.S. sphere of influence would be
hard to pin on the Great Satan. And, to be fair to the
global rent-a-quote crowd, for an hour or two they were
stunned into silence. But it wasn't long before they were
back singing the same old song: Disaffected young Muslim
men in Saudi Arabia, devastated coastal villages in Sri
Lanka ... "These Foolish Things Remind Me Of U.S.A."
You really need Cole Porter:

You're The Pits
With your massive armies
You're The Pits
And you cause tsunamis

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