
Drooling on the Pillow

Sunday, December 12, 2004


I've gotten an education in toilets after fixing my tenant's the last two days. Zero drips achieved. I know I've arrived in Suburbialand when I feel like thumping my chest after fixing a toilet.

Speaking of toilets you have to read Mo-Do's column (registration required) in the Times today. A more purile piece has never swirled an American Standard. It's not remarkable that she wrote it. She's dipped this low before, although perhaps not sustained throughout an entire column. It's just unbelievable, though, that someone at the Times didn't sit her down and stage an intervention. Yikes.

Here's a sample:

On the first day of Christmas, my Rummy sent to me
a Saddam pigeon in a palm tree.
Not knowing Osama's address, Rummy hastened to 'Potamia -
and a mess, exhorting his pal Cheney,
"Let's bomb Baghdad again, golly gee!"

On the second day of Christmas, my Rummy sent to me
two dead-ender turtle doves (Colin and Kofi),
flowers and chocolates from the ninny Chalabi,
and a billion Arabs mad at me.

Yes, through 12 excruciating days.
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