
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, December 13, 2004

I Buy Lotto Tickets, Too 

I read Thomas Hibbs review at NRO of the movie Sideways, which is out on DVD. As it happens, I watched it last night, courtesy of my friend Ian, who's on the SAG nominating committee this year.

I liked it very much, for many of the same reasons as Mr. Hibbs. It's filled with the mess and bother of real life and the ambiguity of most of our decisions, but it has almost heroic affection for these comically flawed characters.

It's sweet, fundamentally, but it doesn't want you to forget Paul Giamatti's character stole $1000 from his mother in one of the opening scenes.

Here's what I like about it though. I want to believe in a world where Virginia Madson can fall for a not very good looking, overweight, neurotic, unsuccessful writer. For some reason that appeals to me. Of course, that's not this world, but it's nice to think about.
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