
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, December 20, 2004

Hotel Rwanda 

Last night we watched, courtesy of my friend Ian, Hotel Rwanda. It's almost unbearable to watch, although it's a little difficult to follow the politics unless you're somewhat familiar with what went on. Since it follows the story of a man who sheltered 1,200 people in the hotel he managed, it's not anywhere near as brutal and bloody as it might be. What does come through with perfect clarity, however, is that two men, Kofi Annan and Bill Clinton, still alive and still powerful, bear much of the responsibility for what happened because they had in their hands the power to stop the genocide and they decided, for bureaucratic and political reasons, not to. In a country the size of West Virginia 800,000 people were slaughtered, retail, by hand, up close, mostly by machete. Clinton has admittted he made a mistake, but, I don't know, I don't think that really gets him off the hook. Do you?

The U.S., the U.N. and France, shamed themselves by acting out of a combination of greed, cowardice and moral idiocy.

Speaking of Annan, read Kenneth Cain at Opinion Journal this morning on the real reason Annan must go.
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