
Drooling on the Pillow

Friday, December 17, 2004

Holiday Blahging 

A lot of my favorite Blogs have been slacking off lately, and that's okay. It makes my lame posting less noticable. When your day is taken up with deciding between a Dustbuster and a Turbo Shark for Aunt Harriet the little wrinkles in life that wind up as posts tend to fly by you. I'm off tonight to a holiday party in Brooklyn. I have not met one person who will be there. The hosts do have a Chinese daughter, though, so I'm not dreading it as much as I might.

So it goes. Work has been frantic for the past few weeks, with lawyers trying to get deals done before the New Year. It looks like they succeeded because it's deadly dull from here on out. I have 700,000 things to do this weekend.

Here's one good thing. I posted at some point in the last month about a couple of friendships that seemed to be falling apart because of the recent elections. All mended, all healed, better than ever.

Love that Christmas spirit.
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