
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, December 08, 2003

Tumbling Towards Christmas 

A Major Work Wobble has been dealt with and snuffed out, leaving us all a little frazzled, but with the good result that the yearly frenzy-crescendo of the holidays seems nothing like as daunting as usual. Also, we lost our tenant. Filing that space is always a process that generates a certain low level of anxiety, but this, too, is muted by my apparent survival as an employed-American. Grace is going to have a very nice Christmas.

Here's something I ought to be thinking about much more than I have. Grace will be seven years old in a few months. So far, her religious education is zilch. As I've said, I'm not a person of faith, but I am a person who regards that lack with regret. I need to get off the schneid with this and provide at least the basics for her.

I'm a lazy bastard.
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