
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, November 10, 2003

This is Hard 

I had a rotten three or four days. Tension in the house. Unhappiness. One painfully expensive senior moment by yours truely. I did not feel like doing this. What could I contribute? Bitterness and bile. Vetching and complaining. Spleen and and my own particularly attractive mode of self-pity. I congratulate myself on staying away from the keyboard, but it highlights the fact that I don't yet know what this is for. I'm not a journalist or a classics professor or a toothpick holder collector. I'm a schmoo with a collection of grudges, but I'm not happy with presenting myself as such. For now I guess I'll just noodle around and hop on whatever pony is trotting by. I'll figure this out or I'll quit.
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