
Drooling on the Pillow

Monday, November 10, 2003

The Other Three 

Most of the speculation concerning Sharpton, Kucinich and Moseley Braun is just abuse --though much of it well earned. Like stories about kidnappers who write ransom notes on personalized stationery they treat the three as knuckleheaded rascals blissfully unaware of being miles out of their depth. What are they thinking!?!

They're not stupid people, obviously, and they knew what they were getting into. I think they were prepared to be portrayed as the class clowns because reporters could not resist writing about them as if they were candidates for president while their real constituents would get their message.

Sharpton is running against Jesse Jackson and winning. Moseley Braun is running against her disastrous senate term and winning. She's done herself a world of good. She's actually electable again. I know nothing about Illinois politics and what her prospects for the senate are, but she's no longer a joke. Kucinich is less clear. Perhaps he is betting that the Democrats are beginning a major shift to the left and by putting himself on the far left wing he will command that sector when it becomes much closer to the center of the party in 2008. If he's right he could be the Dem VP candidate in 2008. If he's wrong, which he almost certainly is, Hillary will crush him like a bug. In any case he can probably choose between being the nut-case in the House or holding a respected chair in a major Poli-Sci department.
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