
Drooling on the Pillow

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I'm Only a Little Bit Nazi 

I took the Political Compass Test that I found on Daniel Drezner's blog and was shocked to find myself smack dab on the line between Authoritarian and Libertarian and only a short jog (3.12) down the Right line from the center. Shocked because I've gotten to think of myself as a rabid right-winger with marked Libertarian tendencies. But think about it. I lived in New York City for about thirty years (I live just across the river now), mostly on the West Side, most of my friends are artists and actors and lefties, I'm married to the New Deal and my daughter goes to a fairly progressive charter school. Put someone with my apparently mild rightist tendencies into that recipe and you're cooking up a self-image of Ghengis Khan with shingles.
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