
Drooling on the Pillow

Thursday, October 30, 2003

2:35 pm

My first vote was cast for George McGovern. My last one was for George Bush. Of the people I know, probably all who are old enough could say the first. I can't offhand think of one who could say the second, though I have my suspicions about one or two. I never lost a friend over politics, though I've ruined more than a few dates. Over the past six months though, I've gotten into [discussions][arguments][crazed ranting fits] with two of my oldest and dearest friends over (1) the Iraq war and (2) Israel and the Palestinians. On both occasions we both veered off at the end with little more than scraped paint. But, jeez. It wouldn't have taken much more. On both occasions, I think, we were both looking for accommodation. For a place to agree from. We couldn't find it. I wonder, now, if the fault (for failing to argue productively) was mine or theirs or whether it is structural to a certain kind of disagreement. I shouldn't care. The point is not to agree, but to defend coherently. These situations are so fraught, though, especially between friends, that its hard to get the experience to do it well.
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